EDC (EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CANADA) Canadian companies can now submit an application, receive a quote, accept it and pay for their
Category: Receivables Insurance

Future Shocks 2019 – Affective Fallacy
Future Shocks 2019 – Affective Fallacy As the world becomes more complex and interconnected, incremental change is giving way to

USMCA: trade credit risk worries businesses
USMCA: trade credit risk worries businesses Trade credit risk worries businesses more than trade wars. Canada – The Canadian economy continues

Japan: Business Environment & Risk Analysis
In this March 2018 update, IHS Country Risk looks at current key risks and forecasts for Japan. Summary The LDP-led

Using Credit Insurance to Expand Globally
Challenge Genetec has consistently enjoyed strong demand for its products and services; however, growth for growth’s sake is not part

How to Avoid Non-Payment from Customers
How to Avoid Non-Payment from Customers Missed payments are nothing new. Several high-profile bankruptcies have been making the news over

Mexico: weaker growth, stronger credit risk perception
Mexico: weaker growth, stronger credit risk perception Although Mexico is well-positioned to withstand shocks, as its external finances remain strong,

THE TEMPERATURE IS RISING ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT With numerous bouts of conflicts, terrorism, and social and political tensions, which

Taiwan: Payment default risks put pressure on business
Taiwan: Payment default risks put pressure on business Taiwanese businesses are the least inclined in the Asia Pacific to sell

2018 A Stellar Year for the Credit Insurance Industry Despite the Global Trade Policy Uncertainty
2018 A Stellar Year for the Credit Insurance Industry Despite the Global Trade Policy Uncertainty The 2018 underwriting results are