Tag: Brexit

Atradius, Front Page, Going Global

No-deal Brexit risks driving up insolvencies

The UK leaving the EU without a deal would be a major disruption, causing business insolvencies to be higher in

Euler Hermes, Eurozone, Front Page, Going Global

Brexit: A blind date is better than a bad breakup

The cost of uncertainty regarding Brexit could be as much as -0.1pp of GDP growth per quarter between now and

Business, Eurozone, Front Page

Brexit effect already being felt in UK-EU trade

Pound sterling depreciation in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum in June 2016 has had significant impacts on UK-EU trade

Business, Coface, Eurozone, Front Page, Going Global

BREXIT and the UK Auto Industry

The effects of a “hard” Brexit will be decisive for the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the British automotive industry.